To reform, or to replace–that is the question:Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous greed and political control, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
The worldwide movement toward the social coalescence of the human family was recently struck by a lighting bolt of positive energy with the spectacular appearance of the Occupy Wall Street movement which in a matter of weeks spread around the world as an effective vehicle for the expression of discontent on the part of people everywhere. Of particular value was the brilliant evocation of the “99 percent” meme which has served as a spectacular educational device, so much so that the principle it represents is accepted as valid by an overwhelming majority of the population. This puts the movement at a crossroads where it has become necessary to consider the question: Now what?
The choice between reforming the system and replacing it has already been made for us. It has become obvious that the system is beyond reform. Despite all the elections, campaigns, demonstrations, sit-ins, occupations, marches, riots, and revolutions, through it all, the system remains. Even when there is a change of leadership, the system remains. While some may still believe that the system can be improved, it’s imminent total collapse will leave only one alternative and that is to replace it altogether. It would be better, however, if we were to come to that conclusion before the total collapse so we could time to prepare for it. If you are already convinced, you can begin working on an alternative now. Just click on the WEDP tab above and get involved with the Whole Earth Design Project.
Curtis Mayfield says, “People, Get Ready,” cause there’s a train acomin’.