How Powerful Evolutionary Forces are Transforming Seven Billion Individual Humans Into a Single Harmonious Social Organism

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — R. Buckminster Fuller   ()>)(      
“Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do; nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace.” – John Lennon ()>)(
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead   ()>)(
“Now there is one outstanding important fact regarding Spaceship Earth, and that is that no instruction booklet came with it.” – R. Buckminster Fuller   ()>)(
“The finally victorious way of looking at things will be the most completely impressive way to the normal run of minds.” — William James    ()>)(
“The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating a problem in a way that will allow a solution.” – Bertrand Russell          ()>)(           
“The desire to question and change things comes from the healthiest part of you.” – Gene Tashoff           ()>)(
“The essence of The Coalescence is connectivity.” — Walter Szykitka                ()>)(
“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” – Bob Dylan                ()>)(
“This ain’t no foolin’ around.” – David Byrne                ()>)(
“Money is the root of all evil.” – Jesus                ()>)(
“Love conquers all.” – Virgil                ()>)(
“All you need is love.” – The Beatles            ()>)(
“Music will be thefinal uniter.” — Walter Szykitka


“The CityCar electric automobile, developed and prototyped by Smart Cities, is designed to meet the demand for enclosed personal mobility — with weather protection, climate control and comfort, secure storage, and crash protection — in the cleanest and most economical way possible. It weighs less than a thousand pounds, parks in much less space than a Smart Car, and is expected to get the equivalent of 150 to 200 miles per gallon of gasoline. Since it is battery-electric, it produces no tailpipe emissions.” — MIT’s Changing Places

“Traffic congestion is a terrible threat to our economy. The analogy is cardiovascular. If our bodies’ arteries (arterials) clog, we have two choices: We can die, or we can surgically rebuild them a new way. Our cities are on course to die as their arteries clog with congestion. If we continue on this path, properties will devalue, people and jobs will leave the cities, and cultural institutions will decay. As cities die, their economic productivity disappears, crippling our national economy.” — Robert W. Galvin, Introduction to Mobility First by Sam Staley and Adrian Moore

“Proponents say the promise [of self-driving cars] is enormous. Turning the wheel over to computers could lead to less traffic, fewer collisions, and more transportation options for aging societies. The world’s population is predicted to grow 33 percent to 9.3 billion, by 2050. If that population were to live like Americans, there would be 7.7 billion cars on the roads–up from 850 million today. That enormous fleet would consume 375 million barrels of oil per day, more than five times the global production in 2008.” — Bloomberg Businessweek

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