Yes, time is running out. So says Timothy Geitner, US Treasury Secretary. Time is running out for efforts to save this country’s credit rating. Time is also running out for Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and now Italy. Time is running out for the European Union, and the entire global financial system. Question: Have you heard of any efforts to prepare for the time when and if time actually does run out? If so, please forward details. Meanwhile, may I be so bold as to suggest that the Whole Earth Design Project as proposed in THE COMING GLOBAL COALESCENCE would be an excellent place to begin such a preparation. It would be easy to load up this paragraph with quotes from the world’s movers and shakers expressing their anxiety over the fact that no one seems to know what to do to save the financial system, but amazingly, there seems to be very little thought given to what happens when the system collapses, as it surely will.
Here are the Chambers Brothers and their psychedelic version of “Time Has Come Today.” Tick-Tock.