Finally, on the 14th day of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration and rally, the NY Times has acknowledged its existence on its front page this morning. What must eventually become clear is that this is a global movement that cannot be stopped, and the fact that it has now landed on the doorstep of the center of world finance signals that this is the beginning of the end of capitalism. So far, the one missing piece is an alternative. This website offers the Whole Earth Design Project as a platform for designing and implementing such an alternative based upon an Internet-based system that consists of a combination of communication, coordination, collaboration, and cooperation. Please click on the WEDP link above for a summary of the project and an opportunity for you to register your interest in participating. Until then, keep marching, keep chanting, keep exposing the lies, keep telling the truth, keep organizing, keep on keeping on!
Once again we turn to John Lennon and his marching cohorts of (r)evolutionaries for musical inspiration: “Power to the People!”